Author name: divendevelop

On Motherhood

Incessant is the waitThe nights restlessAnd the heart full of disquietudeThe mind in tumult unsurmountableImmersed deep in solicitudeBut the thoughts are eternally connectedEver so fondlyTo the child growing in her wombThe love and tenderness is nurturingThe flower inside her to bloomAnd then a mother is Reborn!In the torments of laborOnly to witness the ecstasy andEnraptured

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Celebrating The International Day of Forests

On World Poetry DayMeandering through a labyrinthine trail,I see a grove of centennial trees;Under an elysian, beryl sky,They were lithely swaying, with the breeze.At once, I went and stood amidst them,Beholding glory of their sublime creation;I knew they had a story to tell,As I closed my eyes, in contemplation.Mellifluous songs of the wood-birds, I hear,With

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